Monday, January 1, 2018

Do This When You Wake Up For A Better Day! - Author Interview!

Do you ever wish you were a morning person? Do you feel you are living life on purpose? If not, then find out how you can start your days off right with Kat Lee, author of Hello Mornings!

Why did you write this book?

I wrote Hello Mornings because I’m passionate about helping others build a grace-filled,  life-giving morning routine. Over the years, I’ve learned so much about habit building and simple ways to create lasting change that I wanted to put it all together into a fun, inspiring, “how-to” book for mornings.

Why is a morning routine important?

Well, technically, I don’t think morning routines are important. What I believe to be important is starting each day connecting with God and creating an on-ramp for living each day centered around Him and the life He’s called us to live.

What is the foundation of a morning routine?

At Hello Mornings we call it the 3 Minute Morning and it has three parts. God Time, Plan Time and Move Time. The central idea is that we don’t want to be ONLY hearers of the Word, but doers also. So, our time with God is followed by prayerfully submitting our daily calendar and tasks to Him and making healthy choices so that we have the energy to do the things He’s called us to do.

The 3 Minute Morning:

  1. Read/Pray Psalm 143:8
  2. Prayerfully review your calendar
  3. Drink a glass of water

This is the basis of a faith-filled, action oriented morning routine that anyone can do any day of their life. We all have 3 minutes.

How can busy parents incorporate this morning routine?

Simply do the 3 Minute Morning right when they get up. We all have three minutes. Then as life allows, scale up in any area.

What difference has this morning routine made in peoples' lives?

First of all, I don’t think this morning routine is magical. The difference is made when the simplicity of the routine and the grace-filled focus of Hello Mornings helps people consistently start each day with God. Then He makes the difference in their lives. That being said, we’ve heard powerful stories from people all over the world who have renewed their faith, organized their lives, gotten healthy, restored their vision for their lives and have seen their marriages and families strengthened by starting each day with God.

What else would you like our readers to know?

Your life matters. There is no better way to live each day than to start with the One who made us, loves us and has a purpose and plan for our lives. (Jeremiah 29:11)

How can our readers find out more about you?

You can learn more at I hope to see you there!

How will you incorporate Kat's advice to start your day off right?

Let us know in the comments!

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